The new Bolgheri handbag by Bellini is a magnificent, full-size, fully constructed leather handbag. Fit for all occasions, the Bolgheri handbag exudes style and luxury, just like the place in Tuscany after which it is named.
It is made with contrasting materials, pebbled calf and soft suede on the sides. Semi-rigid construction keeps the Bolgheri handbag shape for easy access to the main compartment. A double slider metal zipper secures the opening. A detachable gold-plated chain with leather inserts is also provided for hands-free carrying. The generously sized main compartment features a leather trimmed zippered pocket and two open pockets for cell phone and other small items. Cotton twill lining.
Like all Bellini leather handbags, the Bolgheri handbag is Made in Italy with genuine Italian calf leather. This design is available for private label.
Dimensions: 33,5cm wide x 34cm high x 19cm deep. Weight 1300grams.